Monday, June 21, 2010

Tippy Dresser

This weekend we cleaned up JR's temporary workshop (the second bedroom). After all the tools were picked up and placed in their temporary tool boxes (target shopping bags) for their trip to the garage, we gathered up all the extra crib and changing table parts. There were a couple pieces for the changing table that were in their own little bag.

These pieces are used to attach the dresser to the wall so it won't tip over. We both thought they were not necessary but I apparently have mommy brain now (I made them attach JR's workbench to the wall in the garage) so I said we should test it.

I must have seen something on TV years ago that said if you open all the drawers and put pressure on the front of a dresser it can tip over. So we're opening all the drawers and JR said, you would never do this because you can't get to the lower drawers if you open the upper ones. By then everything was opened and I was gently pulling on the perfect hand hold shaped edge at the front corner when the dresser tipped over.

I guess neither of us would ever do that but that doesn't mean a little person wouldn't. I don't think I ever tried to climb a dresser but the drawers would seem to make a perfect set of stairs. And I know as much as you try you can't supervise them all the time. One weekend with Tara when she was barely three and I now understand that very well. It was four against two (1 and a half since Ryan was confined to the pack 'n play most of the time) that weekend and we still had salt and pepper shakers in the living room and an incident with some scissors that were left out.

So looks like we'll be securing it to the wall after all, once we see how the diaper pail and hamper fit in the room and we've got everything in its final place.

In case you wonder what I meant about perfect hand hold shape.
The dresser's not very tall so we were both surprised that it tipped at all. I'm glad we tested it though.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, and Ryan is deffinately known for climbing on the drawers like stairs... have us over for a weekend, he'll let you know everything you need to child proof lol
