Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Kicks

One night last week Kaida found my ribs. She was kicking them, the ones on the right. She does that occasionally to my left hip. I think she's exploring and trying to find out what the hard parts are when everything else is nice and squishy. I thought it was cute, "Oh look! Baby's kicking me in the ribs, that's adorable!" The next day, though, was a different story. It felt like I had a bruise under there. The pain went away within the day but it was still surprising. You don't expect a three pound baby to be able to put up enough of a fight to leave a mark.

Speaking of a three pound baby, I'm starting to wonder. If average birth weight is 7.63 pounds that means she has to gain more than 4 and 1/2 pounds in 9.5 weeks. This does not sound pleasant at all. 30 weeks to gain three and then 9 weeks to gain four more?! Can I get the epidural now please?

In other news: she has the hiccups right now. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Tara had the hiccups so much it got annoying... and she continued to have the hiccups every time she ate for the first 2 or 3 weeks after she was born too.. Yeah 3rd trimester it just gets hard to breath, hard to move, etc... you just feel stretched to your limit and get mad that the doctors dont think you're ready to go yet. Like, no seriously guys, I can't get any bigger. And then you do. It's awful, but at the end of it you'll have a wonderful bundle of joy and forget about it in a year or so (not fully, but the extent of it) and you'll be willing to go through it all again :)
