Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kaida and Colin: Short Stuff

Yesterday Kaida introduced herself to a little girl while we were waiting to go into zoo class.  She said "I want to play with that girl"  so I told her to introduce herself and how to do it.  She said "Hi, my name is Taida!"  And the girl said "Hi, I'm Madison".  I should have told Kaida to say "Nice to meet you Madison"  so she learns a trick for remembering names early on.  But I'm pretty sure she could try Madison or Sophia, if she doesn't know another little girl's name, and be right half the time.

So before JR left Colin was calling JR Daaaah-deee (or Mama).  But now as soon as he sees JR on Skype he starts saying Byee!  I'm afraid he's starting to think that's JR's name.

At Target -
Kaida (to little girl): Hi, What's your name?
Little Girl: Eva
Kaida: I saw Wall-E.
Little Girl: ?

Colin loves his wearable blanket.  Before bed I hold it out and he runs over to stick his arms through the holes.  It's adorable.  I'm a little worried that he's going to have a hard time weaning off it when it gets hot.  There have been a couple nights where its been warmer so I didn't put it on him.  I don't know if it's coincidence or not but he seemed to wake up a lot those nights.  I guess we'll just struggle through if it is a problem.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I Hate China.

JR went to China, so we've been on our own for more than a week now.  To break up the monotony a bit we decided to go visit Grammy and Poppy.  We had a nice visit.

But after 4 days and nights at Grammy's house we had kind of a rough day today getting back into the swing of things.  It probably didn't help that Kaida had Zoo Class this morning so Colin had a babysitter.

Kaida seemed sort of out of it at zoo class.  She didn't answer any questions at all.  And normally you can't get the kid to zip it.  Then on the way home she fell asleep for a minute.  I woke her up so she could have her real nap when we got home.

While we were at Zoo Class the babysitter put Colin down for his nap.  I guess he was up there for more than an hour but didn't actually sleep.  He could be ready to switch to one nap but that would be rather sudden.  Hopefully mom can put him down a couple times while she's here so he gets used to someone else doing it again.  Since I'm planning a date night when JR gets back.

Other than being sleepy, or not being sleepy, the cranky level has been dialed up to an eight and the naughty level is through the roof.  There is still cat food all over the kitchen floor from where they just picked it up out of the bowl and threw it.  In the office I found a pot lid and every single bobbin for the sewing machine on the floor.  As I cleaned that up Colin threw a dirty disposable diaper in the toilet, while Kaida was going potty.  Not to mention the never ending dishwasher battle I have with Colin on a daily basis.  And, he ate a ball.

When we skyped with JR I asked him if he wanted to see them one last time before he reads about us in the news. 

I sort of hate China.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Kaida and Colin: Short Stuff

Kaida has a little obsession with having her hands washed after she eats.  Understandably since she's usually pretty messy.  But I also think it's because when she was a baby she would cry to get down from the high chair but we would tell her she had to wait until we cleaned her first.  Now she sees it as her ticket out of the booster.  Once I'm clean I can get out of here.
Anyway.  Today she asked several times for us to clean her hands.  Eventually I told her she should use her napkin.  She tried it but wasn't very successful.  Cue the whining.
So then I helped her use her napkin to wipe her hands
Kaida: "You're the only one who loves me.  And Daddy."

Colin has started saying Please.  I'm pretty sure that's what the peep sound evolved into.  And he also says potty.  We talk about, and go to, the potty about 8,000 times a day so I totally understand where he picked that one up from.
He's hilarious when he calls JR.  He often calls him Mama but when he calls him Daddy he says Dah-Deeeee.

Colin just switched to his size 4 shoes.  He has one pair with shoe laces (holy annoying) and the soles are very firm.  All his shoes up to this point have been very flexible (including his other pair of size fours).  It's pretty funny because he has a super hard time walking in them and just sort of stomps around.

In a related story:
Tonight Colin stomped into the kitchen, went to the fridge, yelled a little, ate the cheese I gave him, and stomped back out.  Apparently I am now living with a teenaged boy.
I never would have put the shoes on him if I knew they would make him act this way!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Colin Pictures!

Laundry basket ride.  We brought Goodnight Moon down since it needed some repair work.

He's very sad that Daddy won't give him the milk but it does show the curls he gets after
bathtime pretty well.

Finally, milk!
Aunt Judy let me play with her phone when she came to visit!
I don't actually know how this happened.

He works the bow headband

He can't keep his hands off his head when he eats.  This is the result on the extreme end of the spectrum

Dress up fun!

So the wings are how the Easter Bunny gets around to so many houses, that explains it.

He's definitely warming up to the idea of hats.