Thursday, August 25, 2011

She's a climber

So it's pretty good that she figured out how to get down.

She learned that one pretty much on her own.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bean Yawns

The tech made us a DVD of part of the ultrasound yesterday. Here's the cutest part.

Sleepy baby!

I'll post some pictures later.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bean's Ultrasound

Bean's a boy!

We had the second trimester ultrasound today. Everything is measuring normally and on track for 18 weeks which is where we are.

Bean was very squirmy so the tech had some trouble getting measurements and then he wouldn't flip to show her his spine or his goods. But we got everything eventually.

She kept calling him "he" before we had a confirmed gender. Afterward she said that she thought she saw something right at the beginning but he flipped out of position so quick she wasn't 100% sure.

She said his feet were one inch long.
The e-mail said that he's 5.5 inches long (about the size of a bell pepper) so that kind of sounds like he's got some giant flippers.
He's about 7 ounces, his ears are in their final position, and his genitals are noticeable on an ultrasound (obviously).

As for me I'm almost back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. Still about a pound shy. But I'm actually hungry a lot now so I'm sure that will help. I felt Bean kick during week 17 which was quite a bit earlier than Kaida. I didn't feel her until after the second trimester ultrasound.
The Doula has been selected. We're just waiting for her to get in touch with us since she's been on vacation.
Next week I have my first appointment with the Midwives.

We're definitely more on the ball this time. Now we just need to get Kaida's room finished, spiff up the nursery, and get some clothes that aren't pink!

12 Month Dr. Visit

Kaida had her 12 month check up today.

She weighs 18 pounds 10 ounces - 12%
She's 29.3 inches long - 56%
Her head is 46.7 cm around - 89%

So pretty much where she's been for percentiles the whole time. Although I'm starting to think maybe she's not walking yet because that giant noggin makes it hard to balance.

I guess he marked her as walking in the records 'cause she'll do it only holding on to us with one hand. He's convinced she'll walk tonight. I am not. She's pretty stubborn.

He was impressed that she says 4 words and that she has 8 teeth. Molars are usually about 15 months but he thinks hers may come earlier since she's got more teeth than your average 12 month old.

And he said she has typical stranger anxiety because she screamed when he came near her. I think it's PTSD from all the times we've been there and they had to do horrible things to her ears. Now she freaks out as soon as you put her down on the table.

As for her cough he prescribed a baby Z-Pack and said if she's not better by next week (5 weeks from when she got this cough) to give him a call. Here's hoping.

Then she had her varicella and pneumococcal vaccines. She's a litlle crabby now but her nap was also kind of short so not that surprising.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby's Noises

Kaida's been making some pretty awesome sounds lately.

Today, as she pushed her push toy across the room she vibrated her lips so she sounded like a little motor driving around.

And she's started to "sing" along with her play table. There's really no intonation, just one note over and over. But there's a definite rhythm. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh. It's adorable.

And banging. This one is not always so aweosme. She's realized that some things make really great noises when you bang them together. Two toys, things she's pulled from the cabinet, her cup on the high chair tray.

Her words still include just mama, dada, kitty, and hi. But she's tried saying duck, and baby and a few other things. They don't stick around much though. Except I pointed to the duck in her book the day after we tried to say duck to the rubber ducky in the bath tub and she looked at me like I was a moron. Uh, yeah mom, that's a book, the duck is downstairs.

Other cute things she's done:
At the doctor today they called her name and she said "Mama". Since every time she gets on a Mama kick I just start saying Kaida back to her. I guess she thinks they go together.

After her nap she goes to the book drawer and pulls out another book for me to read (even though she had a book read to her right before her nap).

She found the travel sized soap in her diaper bag and has been carrying around the bottle for two days. It even went with us to Target.

And she's been climbing into her car seat. I think it's so she's taller and can reach more stuff on the table but after a while she settles in and plays or watches TV.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Daddy's Vacation in Pictures

Mommy thought I looked like a very big girl sitting like this.

Mommy and Daddy had about 5 minutes where they both had to be upstairs while they painted my room. I decided I would try to join them.

Daddy bought a big pool so we could all play together

I'm helping set it up!

Here we are in the zoo parking lot!

We figured we should take pictures since we got there so late the gates were already closed.

But we went back the next day.

And saw the polar bears!

This is my Creeper creeper from Daddy's video game. When I get near you I explode!

And a video of me playing in the pool. I like my floaty because I can walk where ever I want.

Not Standing Up

Kaida still won't stand on her own. She did it for a long time when we had her out on the grass. She didn't know what to do, she couldn't sit down because then the grass would touch her, and she knows she "doesn't know how" to stand up. So she spent about 2 minutes squatting and then standing back up and then squatting down again. It was hilarious.
Since then she's a little more willing to let go with both hands while she's standing but not for very long.

She has started throwing these adorable little fits. She usually does it when we put her down and she wants us to keep carrying her around. She sits down and puts her head on the floor between her legs and starts to cry. It's so pathetic. I try not to laugh 'cause I don't want to encourage it but it's really funny.

She's been wearing disposable diapers a lot this week. I think her fanny is not a fan of red sauce but she loves to eat it. Pasta, pizza, spaghettios. She had little dots yesterday so we switched her to disposables this morning. But it just got worse and worse through the day. I guess that rash cream isn't really helping. So we put her back in cloth and used regular ointment for bedtime tonight.

Also we're almost out of disposable diapers (the only remaining diaper has just one tab, what a rip off!). I can't imagine what it would be like to have her in disposables all the time. I guess I would be more on top of making sure we're well stocked but we went through them so fast and she wasn't even wearing them full time. It seems like setting your money on fire. I know we spent a lot up front for the cloth but yikes!

She has a cough again. I would say we're going on about 10 days + right now. She slept a lot for a couple days there and it seemed to get a little bit better. I guess I'll wait to see how this week plays out and then call the doctor. Poor kid. She was all better for the fourth of July so she only had, like, 3 weeks of being healthy.

16 Weeks

This past Thursday marked 16 weeks gestation for Bean Baby.
The e-mail says that Bean is about the size of an avocado, 4.5 inches long and 3.5 ounces. Ears are near their final position and toenails have made an appearance.

I had a doctor's appointment a week and a few days ago. They weighed me and said I lost another pound. (I actually think I just weighed heavy the time before, they thought I'd lost two when I thought I'd lost four. So really I gained a pound! not total though, just one of the ones I'd already lost.)
Anyway the Nurse Practiotioner said she's not worried because my baby is growing. Apparently she has x-ray vision in order to see that, unless she was just talking about how fat I look.

They made us wait forever. Which was all well and good until it started to be lunch time. And then nap time. It's like seriously people? Don't you think you would try to rush the people with kids in so the chance of a melt down is way lower. I guess not. They only deal with getting babies out, after that forget about it.

So anyway, she screamed almost the whole time the nurse was with me. We heard the heart beat for about 3 seconds while Kaida took a breath. So that was fun. I don't remember if we've heard it at the ultrasounds or not.

I have orders for a genetics blood test and the second trimester ultrasound. So hopefully we'll get to learn the sex on August 23rd.

I switched my care to the midwives. I have my first appointment with them on the 31st. It was a little complicated since I had these tests and I didn't know if I should still do them or not but the nurse at the midwives was very nice and helpful. I'll still do the ultrasound since apparently anyone can access those results within the hospital and she's going to send me a new prescription for the blood test.

One of my main questions for the midwives will be if my water breaks before contractions really get going how long do I have before they'll start pitocin. I know some midwives will let you go days before they try to augment but I wonder if there is a hospital policy about it that these midwives need to follow. Hopefully that's not going to be an issue at all but I'd rather be prepared beforehand.

I've only thought of one name for each gender so far. I guess I just want to wait until we know the sex before we really delve into it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A couple weeks ago I traded Kaida's afternoon nursing session for a snack. For the past week or so she's been refusing to nurse or has been latching on for an inconsequential amount of time at least once a day.

So I called the doctor today to see what they thought. If I should supplement her, and if so would it be ok to start her on cow's milk.

The nurse I talked to said that she should have 20 ounces a day total. So she suggested trying to get her to take 12 ounces of cow's milk since we don't really know how much breastmilk she's getting. Tomorrow is shopping day so I guess that's when we'll start.

The nurse was pretty funny I told her the whole spiel and she said "Ok, so what brand... uh... you said she's never had formula?"

JR said I should have told her "It's called Hagy, it's custom made."

So 11.5 months with only one bottle of formula (just to see if she would drink it), not too shabby! And it looks like I saved us at least $1,000 (But trust me, I would charge way more than that if I was providing this as a service).