Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Dr. Appointment - 6 weeks

May 31st, 2011

I went to the Dr. today for my first visit. They confirmed our due date of January 19th. Once again they never said "You're pregnant!" Who knows why they don't.

I finally met Dr. Alvarado. I tried to meet her while I was pregnant with Kaida but she was never available when I could come for an appointment. She's nice and listened and answered my questions.

She said everything looks normal and that they'll have no trouble finding the heartbeat in 4 weeks. I'm not sure what that means, like, the baby is big? I can't imagine she could tell how big the baby is just by feeling around my stomach. I kind of doubt she could feel it at all. Maybe I have a thin uterus? Who knows!

I asked about taking acidophilus pearls to prevent a positive group b strep test this time. She didn't seem to think that it was a great idea (which I didn't think they would be gung ho for it since it's not "real medicine") but, foreseeing that, I phrased the question as "is there any reason I shouldn't take it?" She couldn't give me a reason other than, it's naturally in your digestive system. Which, sure, sounds good, except it's bad if the baby is exposed to it so why wouldn't I try to prevent it? Even if you do have some medication you can hook me up to while I'm giving birth.

She has no problem with me nursing Kaida while I'm pregnant or even doing tandem (no thanks). But she suggested I take an extra calcium supplement. She also suggested B6 since the morning sickness has kicked in. It seems to be staying mostly in the morning though, so that's different. She said I might be getting light headed because I'm dehydrated from nursing and growing a baby. So I should just make sure I drink lots of water.

We've decided to call this baby Bean. I think Bean is a boy. But I thought Kaida was a boy too, so we know how good my hunches are. We'll have to wait to see what the dreams are. 'Cause I had baby girl dreams last time.

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