Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 38

In week 38 we took a tour of one pediatrician's office. We're going to see another one on Friday and another next Saturday the 21st. I liked the one we already saw but it was after hours so it's hard to get an idea of what it's really like. It may come down to whichever office is the most convenient and if they don't piss me off after she's born. Or maybe one of them will just blow me out of the water with their pleasant atmosphere, we'll see!

She was showing off for JR last night. She had the hiccups and when he put his hand on me to feel them she started dancing for him. I told her she can meet him in real life, all she has to do is come out.

I got all her clothes put away yesterday. It took some doing. Eventually I ended up doing a drawer of newborn and a drawer of 0-3 months. And then a drawer of bedding and blankets. We bought some storage cubes this week too. So her toys are now in a cloth basket in one storage cube and her books are in another. I'll have burp cloths and other stuff like that in another. So her hamper is no longer a toy box but is ready to receive dirty clothes. I started putting some stuff in the diaper bag too, hmm, maybe I should put diapers in there...

But I don't think this baby is coming anytime soon. She hasn't really given me any indication that she's interested in leaving the sweet digs she's got now.
My braxton hicks have increased but from 1 or 2 a week to 1 or 2 a day but that's still not a lot. And I'm not sure if she's dropped or not. My back has hurt more this week and I do have to pee a little more often but it's not something that I noticed all at once. So I think she's content where she is.

My Stats
42 pounds, but I'm pretty sure I'm having a 32 pound baby, so that's ok. At least this week I'm within the weight gain guidelines they gave me of 1-2 pounds a week. Sue said I was measuring right on for my fundal height. I was a cm behind last week so maybe it's evened out. She didn't check my cervix though so I don't know if there's any progress there.
My feet feel pretty awful by the end of the day. Going up and down stairs is hard because my ankles are so puffy they don't want to bend the right way. My hands don't get too bad looking but they are always sore and weak. Dr. Bishop said that it's Carpal Tunnel. The swelling pushes on the nerves. I tried to put my hand on the wall to balance in the shower this morning and putting it flat like that really hurt. So my right foot may not be as clean as my left today.
I found a whole crop of stretch marks. All the way across the underside of my belly. It's pretty scary how they just showed up out of the blue. They're light so at first I thought it was red marks from the elastic in my clothes but it's not. Definitely stretch marks.

Kaida's Stats
6.8 pounds and over 19 1/2 inches long. They say she's ready for life on the outside. Now, how to relay this message to her...

The e-mail says that while I've probably had my bag packed for weeks we should pack stuff for JR too. They're a little off on that one. I have the baby's clothes picked out (she better be a girl!). And I made a rough list of what we should pack but the actual packing hasn't happened yet. I feel like I'll need my clothes between now and then so it's hard to pack them up!

1 comment:

  1. You're not workin any more so just wear your pjs all day :)
