Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dr. Bishop

I met Dr. Bishop yesterday. She seems nice too. She was also a little bit rushed but she kept asking me what my next question was, rather than barely answering what I had just asked and then pushing on to her agenda. So that was good.

I asked about the due date and she said that they've adopted August 26th as my due date based on the first ultrasound. I measure 36 weeks right now, so it seems to me that they're just wrong. These doctors weren't there for that ultrasound. If they had been they might be thinking about it more like I am.

Quotes from my blog regarding that ultrasound:
- "The technician was having trouble getting all the measurements she needed."
- "Eventually she called in another tech to double check her measurements."
- "But the two technicians got several different measurements there so who really knows. The one tech said she thought the baby was growing before her eyes since her two measurements a couple minutes apart were so different."

I don't see this as a problem until we get to September 9th and they want to induce me when in reality I should be able to wait until September 16th. I was tracking my temperatures. I know when I ovulated and you can even see when she implanted. I don't know that they'll listen or care though. Hopefully she just comes by herself on September 6th so I win the pool!

Dr. Bishop said, "So you're just a week more pregnant than you thought you were. Most people are happy to have that week taken off." and I'm all "I'm in no hurry." She was completely confused by that. Yes I'm excited to meet her but I'm also incredibly nervous about the whole thing. One more week of my normal life seems very good to me. That's what happens when you wait 7 years to have kids. You get really used to not having kids.

So the Doctor did my strep b test and checked my cervix. She said "One cm and about halfway thinned out but that's normal for first time moms." Which I have no idea what that means. I take it to mean first time moms progress either slower or faster than moms who have already given birth before. Got me though.
My next appointment is next Tuesday so we'll see if there's any change. That to me would be an indication that things are happening.

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