Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 23

I'm starting to get a little more tired again. I keep trying to push my bed time a little earlier but it's only kind of worked.

JR thinks he may have felt her this weekend. Yay! Hopefully we'll catch her at a time when she's really active so he can feel a bunch of her movements. She's been kicking down a lot lately, not out, so it's hard to feel or see from the outside.

We were supposed to have our first class this week, it's really an info session, about cord blood. But it was cancelled. They'll be holding it in June. But I got some useful info about donating cord blood from my weekly e-mail.
Cord Blood Donation info
I assumed you could donate it but I wasn't sure and hadn't heard anything about it. The e-mail also mentions how much private banking costs (about $2,000, plus a yearly storage fee) which none of the pamphlets the private companies have been sending us seem to mention.

I used my new stance the whole time at shuffleboard this week. It definitely worked, no back pain! And I scored 9 points which everyone was impressed with! I guess that's good.

I had my first belly touchers at the Cinco de Mayo party. Aunt B. and Sandy both couldn't help themselves. But I'm adorable, so I don't blame them. :-P
So Tara saw me on Saturday at the party and I was wearing a kind of big t-shirt that doesn't really hug the belly. Then on Sunday I wore a tank that shows the whole belly. When she saw me she asked Grammy if the baby wasn't ready to come out now. Grammy told her not yet.
And on Sunday I sneezed really hard and Mom said that I shouldn't sneeze like that when I'm 9 months pregnant or the baby will just pop right out. I don't think that sounds so bad. Skip the whole labor part of labor and delivery. Would have to be a really big sneeze though.

On to week 23.
They say I should dance with her. Although my groove isn't quite as groove-alicious as it used to be I think I'll give it a try. Spud is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. The blood vessels in her lungs are developing in preparation for breathing. I've been kind of wondering why babies don't cry in utero since I know sound can travel through liquid but I guess there's no air in there for her to force a sound out. See what you can figure out when you actually think about something!
They also said that she can hear what goes on outside so she'll be used to sounds like the vacuum cleaner once she's born. I thought that was funny. Maybe we should start running the vacuum.

I'd say I'm right about at 10 pounds gained now.

I also think we need a baby book already. We have these ultrasound pictures and the DVD, not to mention the gifts we've already gotten. I don't want to forget any of it.


  1. Well, a sneeze might not make the baby pop out, but something else might! And yes, things like the vacuum can actually calm a baby. They say it's because of white noise but I think it also may just be because they're used to it. I played this one song while I was pregnant with Tara a lot, and that would calm her right away when she was fussy.

  2. I just think it's funny because we're not big vacuumers. And JR does it when we do actually vacuum. So I don't think our baby will really be used to the noise of the vacuum.
