Monday, May 24, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

We had a pretty busy weekend.

I asked my dad to come in to take a look at the nursery wall. So he could tell us if we needed to tear out the whole thing and re-drywall or if we just needed to repaint. Turns out it was somewhere in between.

So he came prepared to tackle one big project or several smaller projects depending on what actually needed to be done.

My mom and I ended up scraping, sanding, and priming the wall and window in the nursery and the wall in the second bedroom (where the paint started to peel for some unknown reason.)

Meanwhile my Dad and JR investigated the upstairs bathroom floor. We've had a little stain spreading out from under the toilet. Over the past nine months it's become a big stain. They ended up tearing out two layers of flooring and replacing the vinyl. We're pretty sure the leak is gone, so now Spud won't have to learn how to use the potty in a rotting mold infested bathroom.

After my parents left, JR fixed the closet door in the nursery that's been broken since we moved in. It took a half hour. So that's awesome. That JR, he's a wiz with the chisel.

I bought the crib and dresser/changing table online today. I've abandoned my idea for making the dresser from the office work. I noticed the crib I wanted was on sale again so we just went for it.

Here's the crib

And the dresser.

I think all that's left in the nursery is painting, maybe some new trim, a new door knob, frames for the pictures, curtains, a rug, and caulking around the window frame.
That seems doable.
Oh, and a baby, but I'm still working on that one.

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