Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 22

I think I might consider myself halfway through now. It's 18 weeks that I've known and 18 weeks (hopefully) to go.

I really want her to stay where she is and grow nice and big and fat but I'm also getting pretty anxious to meet her.
JR still hasn't felt her. But Jamie said she could see her moving through my shirt, so at least I'm not crazy. Maybe if we just spend a whole day with his hand on my stomach he'll feel her eventually.

She woke up this morning and started kicking super hard straight away. I told JR she was awake and pissed, just like me every morning.

I've been having some pain really low today, almost in my groin. I'm guessing that's round ligament pain. It's great!

I'm narrowing down the crib choices. The prices vary a lot between amazon, target, wal-mart, and babies 'r'us. That surprised me, but at least I know now before we buy it, rather than finding out after. Craigslist has not been working out so far. But I'll keep looking there too.

I'm glad she's coming after the summer. I want to paint a dresser for the nursery, and, if it will fit, paint the rocking chair too. Those are both projects that need to be done outside.

So this week she's 11 inches long and "almost" one pound. I ordered 1 pound of carrot cake at Grille 36 last night so I have a very good idea of how much that weighs (I didn't eat it all... yet). Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct but the iris's of her eyes have no pigment yet. She is very wrinkled and will stay that way until she gets some fat to fill them out.
No stretch marks yet, I'm not even going to pretend that I won't get them.

I have my 1 hour glucose test in two weeks. They didn't say anything about fasting at the Dr.'s office but it seems like it should be a fasting sort of test. So I asked the nurse from the insurance company's baby program who just happened to call today and she said some people do fast. So I have no idea. I also have no idea how I would actually manage it. Since I'm starving when I wake up every day. I guess I'll call the doctor see what they say.


  1. Dr.'s office said I don't need to fast. Yay!

  2. I didn't fast.., just don't eat a big sugary cupcake before going in.... might throw off the test

  3. It would be mean to tell a pregnant woman not to eat!

  4. Lol it's also mean to tell a pregnant woman not to pee but they do that for this test too! I think I just wasn't supposed to eat something withing an hour or so..
