Week 18 was just as exciting as 17!
We had the second trimester ultrasound on Wednesday morning. It took forever. We went in with a guy and he said he would start and then someone else would finish. Well she came in maybe halfway through to check on him but then she left again. And he just kept taking teeny-tiny measurements. She came back after a while and checked over his measurements and pictures, then she finished it off. They were actually pretty gentle this time.
So she's the one who found the gender (after tilting me upside down). Baby Girl! And I was so convinced it was a boy. It's a Spuds Mackenzie!
I think I got on the table at 8:45 and they were finally done at 10:15.
But everything looked normal. I'll post some pictures later. And we got a DVD! Our baby is a (straight to video) movie star already! (Technically it's an all nude video. We might have to have a discussion about that.)
So the other excitement of this week is that after the ultrasound, in the afternoon, I felt her moving around! I was having some cramps so I think she was sick of being squished so much and was fighting back. Since then I've felt a few movements but that first set was like a boxing match! JR is anxious to feel them from the outside, but it might be a little while yet. I have to be sitting perfectly still to feel her at all.
And today (technically day one of week 19), to continue the excitement, is April Fool's Day! So I announced on facebook. It caused quite a bit of confusion, which was the goal. After denouncing it as an April Fool's Day trick in a text, Betsy called for verification. And Rachelle nicely said that she would congratulate me tomorrow once she's sure it's not a trick. :-)
I have them so paranoid about April Fool's day now, it's fantastic! I may have to retire after this though.
Anyway, on to Spud!
She (Yay I get to write a gender!) should be about 5.5 inches long and weigh 7 ounces. Her ears are in their final position but they're standing out from her head. Probably like my dad and uncles' in their acolyte picture (you have to see this picture, it's hilarious). Her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.
I've noticed my back doesn't hurt much at all anymore. Let's hope that lasts a while.
I did prenatal pilates on Saturday. I don't think my uterus was too impressed with it. I'll take it slower next time.
I started knitting her baby blanket. It's bright yellow and the pattern is called sunshine. I'm 12 rows in of 260. At 2 rows a day I should finish it in time.
So, it's been a big week! I think next week will probably pale in comparison.