Monday, March 11, 2013

Welcome to La Chez Kaida

If Kaida ran a restaurant the waiter's spiel might have to run like this.

"Welcome to La Chez Kaida, the only restaurant run by a toddler.

If you'd like to leave your clothes in a pile on the floor right there you can seat yourself whenever you're ready.  Your choice of bibs today includes Cookie Monster, My Little Ponies, or Daniel tiger.  You can change the channel on your TV here with this remote and I'll get an extra chair brought over for your lovey.

Since this is your first visit I'll give you a run down of the menu.

You'll notice today's special is spaghettios with a side of macaroni.  But of course we still have our standard macaroni with a side of macaroni.  Both of those come with a raisin to finish off your meal.
We have hot dogs, peeled and cut into tiny bits, the roll separate of course. The chef doesn't believe in ketchup but it is available on request.
Pasta without the sauce.
And lastly we have toast.

Every meal comes with unlimited milk, the jug will be available at your table through the whole meal but we're also offering our new "Cow Service" where we bring the cow straight to your table.

You'll notice your spit-it-out bowl.  When you spit your food into that bowl it activates a "yucky button" and I'll come take it away immediately.

This is Maurice, he'll be your hand wiper today.  After every bite he will wipe your hands and face for you.

I think that covers everything, so, what can I get you started with today?"


  1. Hahaha...great. I would like to eat at Kaida's Diner. I really like how concise the menu is. You know every dish is a powerhouse. Diners that try to have some of everything can only do a mediocre job on most of it. I like the idea of milk on the table. I wonder if providing a pitcher of water along with a jug of milk would be out of the question?

    1. She might go for water on the table, as long as it's served in a sippy sports bottle.
      But the real reason that menu is so small is because of the milk. If you drink enough milk you don't need to eat. Ever.
      I also forgot to mention the basket of cheese puffs at every seat.
