Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We've been trying out a few nicknames for Colin.  I'm hoping that if we start calling him other things early enough he won't throw a fit when you call him something other than his given name, *ahem* Kaida *ahem*.

I started with Collie.  Which is sort of funny and may not be a nickname you want in school.  Kaida says Tahl-Wie which I think is adorable.  So then I switched to calling him Tollie after that.  I suppose we could even try Ollie.  That was my mom's cat's name, though, so that might be a little weird.

But now we're trying out Cole.  I like Cole a lot.  Kaida of course says it "Tole" (she even says her own name as Taida, which wouldn't be a big deal except that she introduces herself to ev-ry-one.  So then I have to actually tell them her name because they have no idea what she's saying.)

Another option would be to call him by his middle name.  Three out of six of the men in our immediate families go by their middle names, so it's not uncommon.  So he could be Wes or Wesley.  Or West, because AWESOME!

Then there are initials.  He could be CW like the TV network.  C-dubs for short. (heh heh, I'm totally joking about this part.)

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