Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Consignment Sale!

Oh man, I love the consignment sale.  It was this past weekend, so great!

The sale in the spring sells spring and summer clothes.  So I got Kaida some 3T shirts in case she has a growth spurt in the middle of the summer or for next year if she doesn't.  She has about 15 pairs of shorts that were hand-me-downs so I just tried to match the shirts up to what she already has.  I got smart this time and took a picture of all the shorts so when I found a shirt I thought might match I just looked at the picture to make sure.

I also found a super cute dress.  It's classic and very little girlish but it has ballet slippers and little tutus on it, and since it was $2 I couldn't say no.  Even if she never wears it out, she'll love it. 

Colin was opposite of Kaida.  He's all set with 18 month summer stuff so I focused on filling in the 12 month stuff  (which he'll be in for the first part of the summer).  He has tons of t-shirts so he needed some shorts. 

I took a picture of his shirts to have with me too but boys shorts aren't very interesting so I really didn't need it.  He got two pair navy blue, two pair khaki, one pair gray, and one pair denim.  I also got some rompers for him - because I love rompers so much I can't put it into words.  He also scored a cute 18 month Snoopy sweatshirt to wear as his light jacket.

Oh man, I can't believe I didn't put these in rainbow color order!

My clothes buying process goes like this now. 
At the end of season sales in the stores I buy what I think they'll need for the next year.  So over the last month or so I bought Kaida 3T winter stuff.
Then, just before the start of the season I buy whatever else they need from the consignment sale.  So in the fall I'll go to the fall/winter consignment sale and fill in any gaps in her 3T winter wardrobe.  And then, maybe, I'll have to buy some stuff at full price in the store but way less than I would have needed to without all this!

The sale didn't seem to have as many clothes this time around.  The racks weren't quite as full.  But that may be because my kids are getting into the bigger sizes.  And bigger kids wear their clothes longer and not as many may survive to head to the sale.
Or spring and summer clothes don't take up as much room on the rack.
Either way, in church on Sunday, they said they sold about the same amount as last fall.

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