Friday, March 2, 2012

It's a learning experience.

In my 5 weeks as a mother of two I've learned a few things.

Like, no matter who I'm talking to, when I tell them that Kaida and Colin are 17 months apart they tell me about their sister, daughter, niece, neighbor, cousin, or best friend whose children are also 17 months (+ or - a month) apart. It's kind of like they're saying "Hey! I know someone who is just as crazy as you are!"

Also, it's never too early to start dinner. If you think, "Hmm, seems like everything is calm for the moment", you should start dinner. Because when it's time to actually start dinner there will be two diapers to change, a baby that needs to nurse, some sort of incident involving a snack cup or juice, and/or a complete metldown/screaming fit.

And, finally, that going to the grocery store all by yourself (which used to be my most despised chore) isn't all that bad. In fact it's sort of enjoyable. And fast!

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