Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cute Things My Babies Do

When I change his diaper he kicks his leg over and over. It's usually just his right leg but sometimes the left leg gets in there on the action. It's like he's marching to a beat only he can hear.

When he nurses he's started kneading me. But the first time he did it he was just grabbing one of my fat rolls. It was pretty funny.
When he starts on the second side he often smashes his face into my boob over and over again like he can't find the nipple even though it ends up in his mouth on 3 out of 5 smashes.

When I kiss his cheeks he looks surprised for a couple seconds and then he smiles. Sometimes he grunts too so it sounds like a little laugh.

Yesterday I had him sitting up in the corner of the couch while I went to the dining room. Then I heard Kaida saying "Hi! Hi!" so I went to check on them. She was sitting on the couch next to him holding his hand and saying hi to him. It was adorable. But, of course, when I got the camera out she jumped up to ham for the camera.

She has started picking up words so fast it's a little scary. Today she learned doctor and teacher before nap time. The other day it was heart and all-righty by breakfast time.
Yesterday I told JR that in two weeks she's going to come up to us and say "Mama, Dada, do you remember the day you brought Colin home? I threw up that morning." Or something equally surprising.
Because she remembers things too. Mom was here this weekend with Aunt B. and when Mom came out of the shower Kaida went over to the stairs 'cause she remembered that she would go upstairs with her after her shower 7 weeks ago.

Yesterday we went out to play for a little while. We talked to Lois from next door for a little bit and then we walked to Lucas' house next door/around the corner where she played with all of his toys. He can't walk or talk yet or I'm sure he would have had a little more to say about her hostile takeover.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I definitely need to plan a day trip. I think Kaida is ready to learn "librarian" and the sentence "Betsy is awesome." I also still haven't mailed out that package I told you I have. I'm so slow.
