Sunday, March 25, 2012

Consignment Sale!

The consignement sale was this weekend. I actually helped out for a little while this year. Apparently they open on Friday night for a couple hours. I'm not sure if it's open to the nursery school parents or the vendors or what but it wasn't advertised as being open to the public.

I worked Friday night just re-organizing the tables in the toy room as people bought stuff. I didn't see anything we needed there except for a couple books. When I was up in the infant room I'd seen a car with a push handle on the back like Luke's next door. I went back Saturday morning and bought the books but as I was driving up I saw someone pushing a kid around the parking lot in the car. That's what I get for falling back to sleep for a half hour.

I found some clothes for each of them too. A couple 18 month summer outfits to fill out Kaida's wardrobe and a few 24 month and 2T things. I already have some of the bigger summer stuff for her and I don't think she'll be in 2T for very long while it's still warm out.
For Colin I just bought some neutral shorts and pants. Oh, and a really cute sweater. He has a whole bunch of summer clothes in 3, 6, and 9 month sizes. I was really on top of it last year plus he was gifted a lot too!
At the fall sale I'll need to buy a bunch of 12 month stuff for him since I wasn't very successful at the end of winter clearance sales for him.

Overall, though, I would say it was a success.


  1. Janeen just went to one of these up here and said it was amazing. I guess she got a lot of great stuff. What a cool idea!

  2. Yeah, it's pretty great. I got a ton of his newborn clothes there in the fall.
    Everything is really well organized too. It's not like, "Here's a table of crap, good luck!" They have everything on hangers, sorted by size, and marked with the price.
