Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 34?

I saw Dr. Kridgen yesterday. She seems very nice but I don't think she's my favorite doctor. She was very hurried and didn't seem to want to take the time to sit with me and when I did finally get her to hear me she wasn't actually listening. Nice person, not the best Dr. for me. Plus I waited for 50 minutes and that sucked.

But she did kind of drop a bomb on me. She was telling me when I should make my next appointment for. It went like this. "So we'll see you again in two weeks, well, maybe 1. I'll look at what your official due date is and figure it out. Ok. You're due August 26th, that puts you at 35 weeks. So we could go either 1 week or 2. Maybe 10 days, whatever works for you." And then she was gone.

They told us August 26th at the first ultrasound but I hadn't heard anything about that date since then. Apparently they've adopted it as my official due date but never mentioned that to me. So this makes my end date of work seem even more like not enough time. Jenine is definitely not getting me for an extra week now.

It's exhausting to be 34 weeks pregnant in the morning and 35 weeks pregnant in the afternoon. And quite stressful! Also I've heard several "I went into labor a month early" stories this week. This does not make me feel better people, just so you know.

My feet are gigantic puff balls. Even when they're not really bad and puffy they are still puffy. I just forgot what my feet really looked like before. And I knew I would which is why I took a picture at 17 weeks. Here's 17 weeks, and last night.

They totally match my Professor Klump face from my jaw surgery. But my blood pressure is fine so they're not worried about it.

So I'm going to keep listing the weeks as I have been. Since it's all just figured from my last period and due dates are crap anyway.

Mommy's Stats
32 pounds total. Still a bit more than I should have gained this week but the super huge gaining seems to have slowed down. I think it's mostly in my feet :-P I guess if she's due a week earlier that'll be 2 pounds I don't have to gain! See, there is a bright side! Bad news is JR and I are hovering right around the same weight. I'm going to start secretly feeding him pastry while he's sleeping.
The stretch marks are still growing and a few more have joined the fun. But they're all still on my hips, I haven't located any anywhere else.
Sleep is shot. I seem to get maybe 2 nights of "good" sleep a week where I only wake up 3 or 4 times. The rest of the nights I'm waking up all the time. It sucks. The e-mail suggests satin sheets and pajamas to make rolling over easier. I believe that suggestion was made by someone who has never slept in the oven that a set of satin sheets creates.

The Baby
She's at about 4 and 3/4 pounds and 18 inches. Her central nervous system and her lungs are maturing. And she's filling out with fat. Although, she seems pretty strong to me. So I think it's mostly muscle. Babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who are otherwise healthy generally have no lasting issues. So, we're good to go at any time.

I'm done with being pregnant but I'm not ready to have a baby. This is quite the predicament I've put myself in.

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