Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 32

We receieved our first shower gift. Katie can't come to the shower but she sent us a gift anyway! She gave us the diaper pail, the special rash cream for cloth diapers, and the diaper liners.

Baby Care basic training was pretty informative. She made breastfeeding seem less scary. We spent a long time on SIDS prevention and then on the advantages and disadvantages of formula and breastfeeding.

She showed how to put on a diaper and check if it's too loose or too big or small. She showed how to help a choking baby. And she showed how to swaddle. I was pretty excited that I've been swaddling the right way since I was 3 years old or whatever. But the AAP prefers that you don't swaddle them with a blanket unless someone is going to be awake. So at night or when I'm also napping she'll need to be swaddled in a swaddler.

She said this was just a quick intro course and that the nurses are supposed to show you the rest of what you need to know to be comfortable caring for baby before you go home. Like bathing, umbilical stump care, breastfeeding etc. Sadly she didn't go over the carseat. So we'll have to figure that one out by ourselves or ask Tara, Ryan, Lucas, or Melanie to show us.

The teacher is a lactation consultant and she'll also be our teacher for the lamaze class.

I had a doctor's appointment today. I met Dr. Stern. He wasn't very stern luckily. I asked if there's any way to determine her size and he said not really but thinks she's a good size already and he's guessing 8 pounds. I have no limits on traveling since everything is going well. He just said as it gets closer we're betting against the percentages. What percent of women deliver at 37 weeks, 38 weeks, etc. And where we might be if she decides to come. But Indiana is only two weeks away and Lee can tell us where the closest hospital is at any time. (Although he may take us to an animal hospital. Once he took us to a non-existant wal-mart so I'm a little wary)

Mom's Stats
I have been very hungry this week. As of this morning at the doctor (their scale weighs a pound heavier than ours) I have gained 26 pounds. Not too happy about that, especially since I now weigh only 3 pounds less than JR.
My belly button is kind of poking but it hasn't popped. Sometimes you can see it through my clothes and it looks almost like the outie Tim and I had when we were little.
Sleeping is a little less comfortable. I'm waking up more and usually have to get up to pee at least once. For a while there I could make it the whole night without getting up.
My left foot started swelling this weekend. It's been pretty hot. The right foot joined in on the fun yesterday. And my hands are playing too. I might have to abandon the wedding ring soon. But I've been sleeping with my feet up (quite the accomplishment considering I'm also laying on my side with a pillow between my legs and one behind my back) and they've been fine in the morning.

Kaida's Stats
The e-mail says 3.75 pounds and 16.7 inches long. Then they say "You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby". I don't think she's gained 2.5 pounds this week since I gained 5 but maybe she gets half a pound no matter what I do. She has toenails, fingernails and hair (hopefully!). And her big wrinkles are going away as she gets fatter.

It's getting closer!

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