Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 33

This was a big week in the way of pregnancy developments.

My hands and feet have puffed up quite a bit pretty much every day. I've given up on the wedding ring for now. If I happen across a chain to wear it on I'll do that but for now it's hanging out with my engagement ring in the jewelry box.

I've also started to notice that my fingers are pretty stiff. It's more than I can't bend them because they're so puffy it's something else. I thought it was from kneading the fondant for the redneck cake last Friday but I should be over that by now. So I'll talk to the doctor about it next week. I start my two weeks between appointments now. Maybe that means they start to get interesting, rather than kind of a waste of my time.

Last night I woke myself up by snoring. That happened before when I had a cold but now I don't have an excuse except for being gigantic.

And the yucky burps. Yuck. It happens in the middle of the night when I'm not really awake, I burp and my throat and the back of my mouth get that nasty stomach acid taste in them. It even happened last night when we were eating dinner and I was sitting up. I told her, hey kid, leave some room for me in there.

And since I like to overshare, I put on some lingerie this week and when I walked into the bedroom JR laughed. Not exactly the reaction one hopes for while trying to seduce their lover. But once I saw myself in the mirror I also laughed, so I can't blame him.

Then there's work. Jenine has asked me to work almost every Friday in July. I'm only available for one of those days. And now she's asked my to work an extra week because the person they want to hire is going on vacation and won't be back.
I have several thoughts about this. One is, too bad, I gave you six months notice. One is sure why not. One is, I have no idea how I'm going to feel by then so I don't really know. Then there's JR's thought. I told you my end date, after that I can come on as a consultant. My fee is $200/hour.

Everyone keeps saying oh you'll be so bored sitting at home. I think they're forgetting how boring it is to sit at work. At least at my job. There's a ton of stuff left to do at home and we're pretty busy right up until I stop working so I don't think we'll get a lot done off of the list.
The worst case scenarios seem to be (1) I keep working, and sit here worrying about stuff that's not getting done at home, and maybe all of the things I want to do don't get done.
Or (2) I stop working and I get everything done at home and I sit around and do nothing all day being bored.
I'm going to tell you, option number 2 doesn't really seem that bad.

Mommy's stats
Seems like I gained 3 pounds this week. If my fuzzy pregnancy math is right. I'm at 29 pounds total. Yikes! That last 10 pounds crept up very quickly.
I've decided that my belly button is going to hold out. It's poking a little but I think that's as far as it's going to get.

Kaida's stats
The e-mail says she's topped 17 inches and 4 pounds (she's a pineapple this week)! Emily thought just by looking that she might be around 5 pounds. But no one really knows.
If we go by averages and the e-mail, that means that she has 3 inches and 3.6 pounds left to go.
in other developments, her bones are hardening, which is good. A spaghetti baby might be hard to take care of.
She seems a little quieter overall. I think it might be getting crowded in there. Although earlier this week the bump that is either her butt or her head made a quarter lap around my belly one way and then a quarter lap in the other direction. Maybe she's taking a tour so she knows the best exit when the time comes. (psst, baby, it's down at the bottom).

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