Thursday, July 29, 2010

35 weeks

Now I'm just confusing myself. I'm thinking in terms of the new due date but writing for the old one.

Today is not going so great. I have a backache, a headache, and I'm chilly. Which is insane. The backache showed up yesterday and the headache has been around the last two evenings. I definitely need more sleep so hopefully that's all it is.

The rest of the week was pretty nice though. We went to Indiana so JR could help out with Randy's Eagle project. I hung out with Mom and Jen (once she did finally get there, epic airplane fail by Delta). It was a pretty productive weekend. I finished the thank you notes for the Buffalo shower (they just need to be addressed now), got a good jump on the blanket I'm knitting, added the minky dot fabric to the curtains, and made the covers for the cushions that will go on the rocking chair. I still need to add some ties to the rocking chair covers, put the little dragon I printed out on there, and make tie backs for the curtains.

We got the Rocking chair completely sanded and the first coat of paint is mostly done. I need to flip it over to get the bottom parts. I think two more cans of spray paint will get the job done. I'm not sure if we'll need to do a polyurethane over it or not though. It doesn't seem like it's quite as high of a gloss as the other furniture in the nursery and I'd like them to match if possible.

We need to: Finish the rocking chair, hang the curtains, wash everything, find somewhere to store her toys and books, put up a shelf for her items-to-be-displayed-but-not-touched, and then get all her clothes and bedding organized and put away. Here's hoping she doesn't come early 'cause that's a lot to do!

My Stats
35 pounds gained so far. I seem to be a 3 pounds a week kind of gal lately. I have surpassed JR, he now weighs less than me and this is very sad. Headache, backache, sometimes a stomach ache, and puffy feet. Good times!

18 inches long and 5 and 1/4 pounds. Her kidneys are fully developed and her liver can process some waste. Very good! Most of her basic physical development is complete and now she'll just be putting on weight. And hopefully not budge until I'm good and ready. Anytime after August 18th works for me, now, how to get that memo into my uterus... Baby already needs a blackberry.

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