Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We're back!

We're back, we'll see if it lasts.

Cute things Kaida has done recently:

Today in the car she was asking where the green light was (she's very interested in the color of the lights since we turned her car seat around).  We told her it was coming and then JR asked her what green meant "Doh!", and red? "Stop!" and then he asked her about yellow.  "...Pwepare to stop!"  It was pretty funny 'cause he thought he had her with that one.  And a little scary because I told her what yellow meant one time about a month ago.

On Christmas we were getting ready to sit down for lunch.  Kaida was in her seat and she started using her hands to conduct and told us to sing.  So we all sang!  She was a little amazed by how much power she had.  Then the guys all kept singing for her, they sounded lovely.

Since we put up the tree Kaida has been using her magic powers to turn on the lights on it every night.  She started out saying Abracadab!  But it has since transformed into Abracazap!  We tell her it has to be dark out and she has to stand really close or else the magic won't work.  And she's only caught us unprepared one time.  But JR told her he thought it was broken 'cause he had tried to light it all weekend and it wouldn't light for him but he was glad she could fix it.

Cute things Colin has done recently:

Got about a million teeth.

He also tries to light the tree.  We got him to say it almost perfectly, sounds like "ah-bah-tah-DAHH!"  but it started going downhill after a day or two.  This morning he was shouting ah-bah-ahh and waving his arms around like crazy, took me a minute to realize he was trying to light the tree.

He's started fighting back when Kaida tries to take a toy from him.

And he's been playing with the cat's water bowl (pictures later).  That was cute the first time.  Since then it's sort of lost its humor.

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