Monday, January 14, 2013

Tonight JR asked Kaida to take something into the office for him.  She informed him "Is pwetty dart in dere."

Colin's adventures in the water dish and cat food have won him a couple hand smacks lately.  When he starts to cry Kaida gets very upset.  The other night she told JR "Don't bang my brover!"  This coming from the child who gives no thought to pushing him over if he even glances at something she's eating.

When we were at the party store this weekend Kaida must have gotten a little bored, so she started chatting up anyone who would come by the cart.  She introduced herself to one lady, and then introduced me to her.  Then started to tell her that "Daddy is my favorite boy."

In two weeks I have to register Kaida for preschool.  She's excited, but it's a little sad too.  So we're going to try to play pretty hard from now until September to make up for all those 6 hours she's in school a week.

Colin has started using the little chairs to climb up onto the little table.  And the blocks to climb up onto the computer.  He's been pulling the drain closer out when I open it at the end of his bath (who even knew that CAME out?).  Playing in the litter box (which Kaida wasn't remotely interested in until he showed interest).  And today I caught him eating cat poop.  Little boys are AWESOME!

Colin's birthday is coming up soon!