Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Reasons

Remember the time that I took Dramamine following the label's recommended dosing schedule and for 2 days woke up only to eat and pee?

Or the time that I had "The Rash" and was prescribed an allergy medication for itching. And when I took it I kept falling asleep in class. And when we read the label it said "May cause drowsiness in children under 4."?

Or the time I had jaw surgery and the Roxicet made me so high we had to cut my dose?

Or the time they gave me the lowest possible dose of pitocin and I immediately had contractions every minute?

These are examples of some reasons I want to avoid medication during labor. Medication and I seem to be unable to come to an agreement regarding how we should interact while it's in my body.

Not to mention all the kind-of-scary statistics.

I was reading an article our Lamaze teacher gave us about the best way to have an intervention free labor and delivery and it lists allowing labor to start on its own. It then lists all these statistics for people who are given pitocin. If you are given pitocin you have a 50/50 chance of ending up with a c-section. Among other things. It kind of gave me a little panic attack. Not so much that I'm worried for this time but that it could have happened last time.

So yeah, still hoping to avoid all of that.

We had our hospital tour last week and now I'm worried about going to the hospital. When we got to the Triage part of the tour I kind of didn't want to go. Not that anything bad happened while I was in Triage with Kaida. But I was all alone, my phone was running out of battery, I was scared, and it's not a comfy place to be. I just have a very negative feeling about it.
So now I'm afraid that we'll get to the hospital, get into Triage, I'll start freaking out and Colin will leap back up into my uterus and be all "If Mom is freaking out this must be a very bad place to be born. I don't think I'll make my entrance today after all."

In other news I had maybe 4 contractions between 3:30 and 4:30 this morning. They kept waking me up but since I sleep on my left side I couldn't see the clock so I really have no idea how far apart they were. Eventually I went to the bathroom, drank a cup of water, and was more awake. While I was doing that I had 4 more in, maybe, 10 minutes. I was pretty sure the info sheet said it may be pre-term labor if you have 5 or more contractions in an hour so I decided that if I had another contraction after those 4 fast ones I would go double check the sheet and then maybe wake up JR. But then there were no more. I guess peeing and drinking the water helped. Plus I rolled to my right side. (All suggestions from my Doula book that I re-read last week).
They certainly didn't feel like labor contractions (at least not the ones I've had) so I was only kind of worried. I would describe them as high pitched and fast. Not that that would make much sense to anyone but me.
We have one more Lamaze class left which is how many we had left when Kaida was born, so I'm hoping to break our record.

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