Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cute things my baby does

Uses everything as a phone: phones, play phones, pens, shoes. You name it she's holding it to her ear to have a conversation.

The other day we were walking up the stairs when she dropped her kitchen phone. She made a little "oh my goodness!" noise and then she picked it up.

When she picked it up it rang so she put it to her ear to answer it.

She carried around JR's tools today just looking for something that needed to be repaired.

She's started bringing her blankie with her after she wakes up. And she knows that the extra blankie is in the drawer so sometimes she gets that one out too.

She combs or brushes her hair. Usually the comb or brush is upside down or flat against her head so there's no actual hair movement but she tries it all the same.

She can get on Mr. Ed and rock him all by herself.

Tries to blow out the candles on her toy birthday cake, but only when the song tells her to.

Today she lifted the paint cans that are in her big girl room and tried to put them in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She wasn't quite tall enough to heave them over the lip so she needed a little help. This one was maybe a little more strange than cute.

Fun Foods She's Been Eating:
Peanut Butter (the natural kind)
Grilled Cheese

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