Friday, March 4, 2011


Learning how to eat has been an adventure.

She's starting to catch on that she needs to open her mouth for me to put the spoon in. I usually say "Ahhh" until she opens her mouth ('cause she smiles and thinks that's funny) then once I pop the spoon in and deposit the food I say "mmm nom nom". So all together it's "Om nom nom" with a really long Om.

The thicker foods are definitely easier to feed her. But she sometimes acts like a mouthful of thick cereal tastes horrible and is killing her. If it's a really thin food, like pears, she just slurps it off the spoon. And then it ends up all over her.

The prunes were ridiculous. I try to do everything for three days since the Dr. said wait three days between new foods. So she has a new food for three days straight. But not the prunes. For some reason they were everywhere. And super sticky. And they stain. It was pretty horrible. And the diapers weren't a walk in the park either. So we only did two days of prunes.

She's had the Gerber puffs. At first she just drooled them back out. Then I put one on my finger and put it in her mouth. Since she always chews on my finger she just started chewing and now she understands how to do it.

A couple days ago she started crying the entire time I was feeding her. Actual tears. I got a couple suggestions on facebook and decided to giver her her own spoon to hold while I feed her. That seemed to do the trick.

Today I tried mixing her cereal with formula. That way I don't have to use my stored breastmilk up for cereal.

The math goes like this:

1.5 oz. breastmilk per serving of cereal x 2 servings a day =

3 oz. for ceral
+ 2 ounce bottle in the evening before bed
5 ounces breastmilk per day.

I only pump 4 ounces a day so it doesn't work out.

But the formula went over like a lead balloon. She started gagging. She sometimes does that when the texture isn't what she expected but she kept gagging over and over again. I don't blame her, it smelled atrocious. I didn't even want what she wouldn't eat sitting near me on the table.
I ended up mixing a new batch with water that she ate without complaint.
I'd prefer she have the calories but I don't think I'm going to fight her on it. We'll do water for now and if I end up having a lot of extra expressed milk we'll use it in the cereal.

She's getting pretty good at standing by herself.

Today she seemed to grasp the concept of the army crawl (we arrange her arms and legs and then she pushes to make herself move). And she also started rocking forward onto her hands. So we'll see if she decides to crawl at some point in the near future.

She's doing everything out of order but whatever.

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