Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The sippy Cup debacle.
Who knew finding a sippy cup was so hard?
We have two sippy cups that we've had since before she was born. One doesn't have a valve at all so if you tip it the liquid will drip out. She doesn't like this one. I think it's because she doesn't expect to get anything out of it without doing any work and then all of a sudden there's water in her mouth.

The other one has a valve but I can barely get anything out of it if I suck as hard as I'm able. So yeah, she hasn't been successful with that one.

I bought another one that's supposed to be a good transition sippy. We couldn't figure out how to make it work for quite a while. But it's like a boob, you need to use compression toward the base of the spout and suck at the same time. I don't think she's gotten anything out of that one either.

So I bought another kind that came in a two pack. These seem really good. At least I can get something out of it. Now we just need her to actually be interested in drinking something. But we won't start juice until 8 months so I'm not worried about rushing her.

Story Time
We finally made it to story time this week. Third time's a charm! I wasn't showered and I hadn't eaten but we made it! The last couple times she's woken up too late or too early so that her naps don't line up. Either she would need to go down while we're there or she wouldn't wake up until we're supposed to be on our way.
But it was fun and she was very good. We sang some songs and recited nursery rhymes. Then the librarian read a story and we did some more songs and nursery rhymes. She mostly just watched. She didn't even really look at the book at all while it was being read but I can't blame her, everything else was very interesting. She loves watching other kids. And some of them thought she was pretty interesting.
At the end she put some toys out so we watched the bigger kids play with them.
When we got home she was very talkative so that's always fun.
The librarian said that next week is the last story time in this session and the next session won't start until May. So that's a little lame. But maybe by May she'll be more interested.

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