Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 11

So the nausea is gone really. It was this constant sick to my stomach feeling. It's been replaced by a super sensitive gag reflex. I still haven't thrown up at all but every once in a while I have to take a deep breath and close my mouth real tight. Usually it's just from mentioning some sort of food or thinking about it. Not so much from smells. And it gets way worse when I'm hungry.

JR says it's psychological. I say I don't care what it is. So I made a new rule that we aren't going to talk about gross food. Like if he has a lunch at work that was yucky he can't tell me about it. And talking about food in general isn't real high on my list of things to do. We'll be listing off the things we could have for dinner and by the time we get to the 4th or 5th one I feel sick.

I'm afraid to eat chocolate. 'Cause I don't want to hate it. This is a very sad time for me.

Tomorrow we go to the second doctor's appointment. The Dr. said we may be able to hear the heartbeat so that'll be exciting. I'm a little nervous, but JR is going to come along. Hopefully the streets in Oakland are plowed and passable. It's been kind of a disaster around here since Snowpocalypse 2010!

So Spud is the size and weight of a sugar packet (finally, something I've at least seen before!). It seems like a baby the size of a sugar packet would weigh more than a sugar packet but I guess not. That would be an awfully small baby.

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