Friday, February 19, 2010

We got to see Spud!

I had an ultrasound this morning. We've been wondering why everyone always posts pictures of their baby early on and we hadn't heard anything about an ultrasound. Turns out that it's part of the genetic testing. So today was my first trimester screening where they test for down's syndrome. It's an ultrasound and a blood test.

Apparently we have a very wiggly baby. The technician was having trouble getting all the measurements she needed. She asked me what I had to drink this morning. I assume she meant that coffee can make a baby hyper but I just stick with milk, juice, and water.

It was weird to see Spud wiggling all over the screen but not be able to feel it. She said it's still early and the placenta is Anterior. So that means any kicks etc. have to make it through the placenta before I'll feel them.

Eventually she called in another tech to double check her measurements. By that time Spud seemed to have calmed down a bit. But in the three pictures they gave us you can see what a very mobile baby we have. Face up in one, face down in the other two. All the measurements appeared normal.

According to my e-mail Spud is 2.5 inches long or about the size of JR's pinky. My pinky is too short unless you include the finger nail. The head to butt measurements were a little bit ahead. About 7 cm (google says 2.75 inches). So they said August 26th would be a possible earlier due date.
But the two technicians got several different measurements there so who really knows. The one tech said she thought the baby was growing before her eyes since her two measurements a couple minutes apart were so different. JR thinks that at this rate I should deliver by this afternoon. Hope not!

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