Saturday, February 13, 2010


So we went to the Doctor yesterday.

The nurse asked us if we wanted a boy or a girl. She said "I know you want a healthy baby but..."

It's like that song by garfunkel and oates.
"Riki: So, do you want a boy or girl?
Kate: Oh, doesn't matter as long as it's healthy
Riki: Really? 'Cause I don't feel that those two things are related. It's not like one or the other.
Kate: Oh, really, as long as it's healthy.

I can't wait to hear someone say
"Don't care if it's brain dead
Don't care if it's limbless
If it has a penis"

I said well if I get to pick, then a girl. 'Cause girls rock. (speaking from experience) JR refused to commit. I have a feeling it'll be a boy though. Just 'cause. We'll see if I should set up shop as a psychic come September.

We heard the heartbeat. She used this handhald wand attached to a little monitor/speaker and was stabbing me in the gut with it. My uterus still hurts a little bit this morning from all the jabbing. She's not gentle.

So apparently she heard it and asked if we heard it. I said yes thinking she meant the woosh woosh sound. The woosh woosh sound is not the heartbeat. She found it louder a little bit later so I could actually hear it. The heartbeat is way faster and sounds like a tiny drum. I'm not sure JR heard it. I only caught it for a couple seconds.

She said it's beating at 160 and that's good.

So I guess we have proof now. There's something in there.

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