Thursday, July 5, 2012


So Colin won't take a bottle.  He used to.  He's done it several times when I was out.  The grocery store, lady time at the mall, helping out at church.  But we haven't had reason to give him one lately.  my Dad tried the first week of June when I was at brunch but he wasn't interested.  This past week my Mom and Aunt B had him while we were at Jimmy Buffett and he didn't eat all day.  Then when we went golfing to celebrate Father's day he didn't eat again.  He's pretty stubborn.
I was worried that maybe some of the frozen milk had gone bad because we didn't get the new fridge until after he was born.  But for the golfing excursion he had milk that was pumped the night before so that wasn't it.
We tried two new bottles both of which were supposed to be most like the breast but he didn't go for it.  They also tried sippy cups, and I tried a medicine syringe which he took but that's not a very good option.  Now I'm thinking of trying this bottle from Happy Baby Company

He needs to take a bottle.  For my sanity and because we might be taking a trip in November.  I'm sure he would eventually eat but I would feel pretty bad leaving him for several days not knowing for sure ahead of time.

It's all quite frustrating.

In Kaida news: Habit.

When she wants something she says Habit.  Direct translation: Have it.  What she means: Can I have that?  Give it to me now.  Or I want that.  It's pretty funny because she repeats it over and over.  Habit, habit, habit.  And she makes the sign for milk which was always the sign for "I want" and kind of jumps around from foot to foot.

She also seems to remember the major plot points of some of the shows we watch over and over.  Today I asked her who was at the top of the mountain in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse choo-choo express and she told me "Ho-Ho".  I didn't realize until a little later that Santa is the surprise guest at the top of the mountain and they hadn't seen him yet so she must have remembered that from the last time she saw it.

And she sings a little.  She sings Goofy's building a birdie house.  And today she sang Ho-Daddy ho-daddy from the backyardigans surfing episode.  Very cute.

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