Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tiny Updates

So I started saying "You have to be quiet, the baby's sleeping" as sort of a joke.  Because I remember Mom and Dad saying that to us all the time.  And I specifically remember them saying it once when all three of us were right there.  So it carried over after there were no babies around.  Now every time I say "Shhh" or "Be quiet please" she says "Baby seepin'" 'cause she knows that's what comes next.  The best part is she does it even when he's not asleep!

I'm thinking of making some fitted diapers for Colin.  Kaida is still in diapers so she usually wears the medium fuzzibunz (pockets) since they fit her best.  So Colin wears the bumgenius (onesize pockets) and when we're out of those the grovia pods or a trifolded prefold with a cover.  But pretty much everytime he poops in a two piece diaper I need to toss the cover in the laundry.  His poop is very runny and just gets everywhere.  He has one fitted diaper (they're used with a cover) that works really well.  So I though I'd try my hand at making one.  Need some velcro and elastic but it doesn't seem too hard.  Of course I decide this right before he's getting ready to start solid food and his poop is going to change and we're planning to potty train Kaida so that will free up a whole bunch of diapers too.  I'm a little late to the game.

We ordered a pink balance bike for Kaida's birthday. Today at Target she saw the bicycles and kept saying "Pease Mama!?" for all the pink ones. Hopefully she'll feel the same way in another month.
It's a surprise so shhh!

Colin started wearing his 9 month clothes today.  He wore onesies and shorts but the second pair of shorts squashed his chubby little thigh really hard when he was sitting up.  I'm not sure if it would do the same thing in a disposable diaper or not.  But I'm still ok with him wearing just onesies when we go out so I don't really care if he wears them. 
I think my shorts rule is an age thing.  I wasn't sure if it's because he's a boy or because he's younger during the summer that I'm ok with him going out pantless.  Last summer she always wore shorts with her onesies but she was 9+ months.  I think once he's old enough to sit up in a shopping cart when we go out, or be carried on my hip rather than in the car seat I'll feel like he should have pants on.


  1. I love these little nuggets. We really have to try to come visit you guys some weekend.

    1. You definitely should. We have chairs now, so you would even have a place to sit!
      Although the last time you were here we still had the loveseat so that's probably not what's been keeping you away.
