Monday, April 2, 2012

Colin's 2 Month

Colin had his two month Dr. appointment this morning.

He weighed in at 13 pounds 1.5 ounces, 23 inches long, and 40cm head circumference.
So that is 74th percentile for weight, 43rd percentile for height, and 39th percentile for his head.

Dr. Kovatch said not to worry about the little dots since they seem to come and go.
He also said that he can wear sunblock this weekend in Florida and go in the pool too.

He had his vaccines and everything seems fine.

I told Kaida that we had to take Colin to the Dr. a bunch of times over the last couple days. I explained that he wasn't going to do anything to her and that he just needed to look at Colin. I brought juice for her and we have emergency M&Ms in the diaper bag. So I started the M&Ms right away and right when Dr. Kovatch came in I gave her the juice. And she was fine. She just sat there drinking the juice and clutching the third M&M I had given her.
Until Dr. Kovatch asked her if she liked being a big sister. Instant screaming and tears. It was sort of hilarious, like maybe she thought that since he wasn't talking to her he couldn't see her?
After she'd been screaming a while he said "I guess I never should have addressed her." I guess not, but who would have known? Since she was calm he was probably trying to take the opportunity to show that he's not always there to poke her and be scary.
Next time he should bring M&Ms. They were a real hit.

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