Monday, April 23, 2012

Talking and diapers and randomness

Blogger did some updates but it seems like there are a few bugs so if this looks weird that's probably why.

Kaida is picking up new words super fast. It's pretty exciting! I like the words that I have no idea where she picked them up the best. Like "turn". Grammy's Easter Bunny delivered her basket with a top in it. And I'm not even sure I said "turn" in relation to the top when we were playing with it. But she kept "asking" me to turn it. I say asking because she usually demands. Even when she says "please" to get you to do something it sounds like a demand.
Today she saw her dinosaur tent in the closet and kept saying tent over and over again until I got it out for her. When I did get it out we went inside to play but she kept asking for the baby. So I went and got him even though I thought she would push him away when I tried to bring him in since "Baby" can mean Colin, Blankie, or any baby doll. But she was totally cool with him being in there.
Then she tried to clip his toenails through his socks. Luckily the clippers were closed and I was able to smuggle them away from her after that.

He started sleeping in the nursery yesterday. He did really well the first night. It took him a while to go down, I had to keep going back up to put the pacifier in, but he slept for 8 hours before he woke up to eat, and then another 4 before he was up for the day. He's not napping very well in there yet, but we're working on it. Hopefully he continues on like this, but I know better than to expect it after Kaida!

Colin's Baptism outfit arrived. It's cute, and the hat is super cute. We'll see if he'll wear it on Sunday!

We went to the Great Cloth Diaper Change this weekend. We were trying to break the Guiness world record of 5026 babies changed into cloth diapers at the same time. Pittsburgh contributed 64 so we'll have to wait to see what the final count is for the rest of the world.

Kaida's Diaper is changed!

Colin's Diaper is changed!

64 babies all changed!

Kaida gives her baby a bath while Colin hangs around

Our first bath together!

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