Monday, April 16, 2012

Rough Day

Kaida had a rough day. She must have known today would be bad. She woke up but then put Baby over her face and went back to sleep.

It actually started out ok, after this picture she woke up in a pretty good mood. She had some breakfast and got dressed.

Then she fell down the stairs.

I think she probably only fell down half of them. I'm not sure though 'cause I was in the shower. I've been leaving them both downstairs while I run up to take a shower for a couple days now. I make sure Kaida is pretty engrossed in a show and wait until Colin is asleep and "safe" in the swing (better than on the floor where she can sit on his head).
I close the gate but leave it unlocked. The theory being that she's pretty good on the stairs and if she wants to go up but the gate is locked she's probably going to climb up the outside and try to do some acrobatics off the top of the play kitchen.
Well today she obviously discovered that the gate was open and came part way up the stairs. I think she must have stopped to play with the flashlight that was on top of the play kitchen when she fell.
She was laying at the bottom of the stairs and crying but got over it in about a minute and climbed right back up. There must have really been something she wanted up there.
She seemed uninjured except for having the bejeezus scared out of her.

Then she got upstairs and went straight to the bathroom 'cause the water was still running and at nearly 20 months you can't pass up that opportunity. Except that, when I had dashed out of the shower, I left a puddle on the floor. So she was two steps into the bathroom when she slipped in some water and fell. That actually seemed to upset her more than falling down the stairs. But I sat her on the toilet and rather than destroying the entire bathroom like she normally does she just ate a sheet or two of toilet paper (she'll usually down a sheet or two while she's destroying the bathroom anyway).

Once we got downstairs I had to feed Colin and she found baby blankie and ended up laying on the floor with him. I told her not to fall asleep but she did and I took her upstairs to finish her nap in her crib.

She woke up from the nap completely miserable and with a poop in her diaper that made her diaper rash worse. That was a horrific diaper change.

After that we had a pretty chill afternoon. She didn't choke on her lunch, or fall off the couch or anything.

Then we went to get JR. We got our shoes on and Colin packed up and we were out the door. I let her bring the Elmo and Cookie figures that she got yesterday with a gift card from her birthday. As she was climbing down the step cookie fell out of her hand. Once she was done climbing down she went to get him and I'm not sure if she stepped forward after she picked him up or if I didn't realize she was so close but I let the door go and it smacked her right in the head. She went flying and landed on her back. It's a very heavy door, so that one left a mark.

Once we got home she only face planted one time after dinner, and it was on the carpet so that's a relief. And she's safe from me in her crib now.

So she had a bump and bruise on her right temple, a very small bruise on her back, and a scratch on her ribs (we're not sure which incident caused that one). There was a red mark on her back at bathtime but we're also not sure if that's just from her diaper or if it's a carpet burn.

hopefully tomorrow goes better.

Bonus picture of Colin


  1. After this story, I am definitely caging Sevi in his playpen for as long as I can. :)

  2. Definitely do that. It has just continued on today. Backed into the baby gate and bonked her head on it then pitched forward and fell into the wall.
    Fell or something while I was in the shower, enough to make her cry.
    Then I stood up from sitting on the couch and she just fell off. No idea how that happened either but I'm really glad we have the foam guard on the hearth.
    At this rate she'll be in a coma by the end of the week.

  3. Sounds like you need to take a shower during Kaida's nap or before they get up. :). Poor thing!

  4. Yeah, showering before she wakes up worked really well before Colin was born. But I usually need to get in the shower right after I feed him or I'll leak all over (and that sort of defeats the purpose of the shower).
    I've tried waiting until it's the perfect storm of her sleeping and him just having nursed but it doesn't happen often enough.
    Today everything worked out fine. She didn't even realize I was missing until I was already out and dressed.
