Wednesday, November 30, 2011

32 Weeks

Last week was 32 weeks, I had an appointment this past Tuesday.
I think I met with Shannon, but I didn't catch her name. I liked her a lot.

I told her about this pain I've been having in my right side. It's the same pain I had with Kaida that I thought was having-a-baby-in-your-ribs pain. Until I found out this time that pain on your right side is a symptom of preeclampsia. But my blood pressure was a good number, 110/60 maybe, (Kaida was pretty loud so I'm not sure I heard it right) so she wasn't worried.
I'm thinking it may just be ligament pain.

I measured 34cm which she said was perfect but sounds a little big to me. His heart rate was fine. Kaida was still not a fan of the part where I was measured and we listened to his heart. She cries every time. She also cried during the blood pressure. When I go to have blood drawn though, she doesn't seem to mind. She has misplaced her concerns about me, I think.

We talked a little bit about my wishes and I told her that we were planning to do the birth plan this week and discuss it with the Doula before I bring it to them. She asked if we were planning to have Kaida with us for labor and delivery I said no but that reminded me to tell her that when we're getting close I'm going to be that pregnant lady who always asks them how long they think it will be. Our hope is that we'll be able to get my mom here to care for Kaida before it's time to go.

This last interval was 5 weeks because of Thanksgiving and the next will be 3 weeks to put the appointment right before Christmas. But then I'll be switching to one week appointments. They'll do the strep B test next time so we'll find out if the acidophilus is doing anything for me or not. I'm also supposed to have my blood drawn to check my iron levels and other stuff.

Colin's Development
3.75 pounds and 16.7 inches. They say that he'll gain 1/3 to 1/2 of his birth weight in the next seven weeks. He has toenails, fingernails, and hair (hopefully!) and his skin is smoothing out as he gains more fat.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm getting excited and, honestly, with Christmas in the way between now and when he'll (hopefully) be born it's hard to get excited. It's like I need to get past Christmas before I can move on to mentally preparing for him to arrive.

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