Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby's Noises

Kaida's been making some pretty awesome sounds lately.

Today, as she pushed her push toy across the room she vibrated her lips so she sounded like a little motor driving around.

And she's started to "sing" along with her play table. There's really no intonation, just one note over and over. But there's a definite rhythm. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh. It's adorable.

And banging. This one is not always so aweosme. She's realized that some things make really great noises when you bang them together. Two toys, things she's pulled from the cabinet, her cup on the high chair tray.

Her words still include just mama, dada, kitty, and hi. But she's tried saying duck, and baby and a few other things. They don't stick around much though. Except I pointed to the duck in her book the day after we tried to say duck to the rubber ducky in the bath tub and she looked at me like I was a moron. Uh, yeah mom, that's a book, the duck is downstairs.

Other cute things she's done:
At the doctor today they called her name and she said "Mama". Since every time she gets on a Mama kick I just start saying Kaida back to her. I guess she thinks they go together.

After her nap she goes to the book drawer and pulls out another book for me to read (even though she had a book read to her right before her nap).

She found the travel sized soap in her diaper bag and has been carrying around the bottle for two days. It even went with us to Target.

And she's been climbing into her car seat. I think it's so she's taller and can reach more stuff on the table but after a while she settles in and plays or watches TV.

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