Monday, April 4, 2011

Crib Time

We lowered the crib this weekend. It's like she's sleeping on the floor now it's so low.

I can't lean in to kiss her goodnight anymore so I have to juggle her a little to kiss her before I lay her down. The likelihood that I'll get headbutted in the face is pretty strong now but that's been the only issue. Well, that and her pacifier is gone. It's probably behind the crib but the crib skirt is in the way (since it hangs lower now) so I can't see it. I was planning to stop giving it to her anyway. She never uses it except to chew on it and play with it. she doesn't seem to miss it at all, so that's good. I took the pacifier that's been on her car seat off too. I put a toy in its place. I think it's the same difference to her.

This morning she woke up at 5. That's not very odd, a little early but I like that 'cause then I can feed her and put her back down and she'll usually sleep a little later than normal, like 8 or 9.
I fed her and everything seemed fine but 25 minutes after I put her back to bed she woke up. I tried just calming her and then laying her back down but she wasn't a fan of that idea. The next time I went in I rocked her and she fell asleep in my arms. She didn't wake up again until the roofers were already on the roof.
I've never actually rocked her to sleep before. I was surprised that it worked.

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