Today I did 1/2 Tbsp of cereal. Tomorrow I might do 1/4 Tbsp of cereal.
Today the dish started out as 6.5 ounces total weight. When she had enough of this eating thing I weighed it again. It was .4 ounces lighter. I would say maybe half ended up on her bib. So it seems like she ate about .2 ounces.
She seemed to get it a little better today. She makes this face like "Good God what are you putting in my mouth? This is terrible!" and then she mushes it around with her tongue a little. Some goes out the front and some goes down the hatch.
JR was here yesterday for her first feeding. He said "She probably wonders why we're feeding her puke." It does look a lot like puke. Maybe a little chunkier.
Bonus Picture!
Kaida trying to fit all three toys from the playmat in her mouth at once.
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