We've had a pretty big week here in the Hagy household.
Thanksgiving was here last Thursday and Grammy and Poppy came in late Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure Kaida knew they were coming 'cause she was wide awake when they got here at 10pm.
Grandmom, Pop Pop, and Uncle Randy came in the afternoon and stayed for dinner. She didn't nap much all day but was pretty good while we ate dinner and then had her bath and went to bed pretty easily. I went back up once for her but that was it.
Friday JR, Grammy, Kaida, and I went to the Diaper store (
Happy Baby Company) for their Black Friday sale. Luckily we were the only people in the store for most of the time we were there. And they didn't open until 10 so we didn't have to get up in the middle of the night. I guess we missed some of the door busters but we still got some pretty good deals. And we found some gifts for Kaida for Christmas.
Unfortunately her bath did not go well Friday evening. She started crying a minute or two after we put her in.
Saturday she didn't nap very much again. I think 25 minutes in the morning and then for a bit when Grammy and I took her grocery shopping with us. Her bath did not go well again Saturday night. She just started crying for no reason that we could determine. We had to power through though since she actually needed to be cleaned this time. I'm guessing she was just too tired and started having a breakdown.
Sunday we had her baptized and everyone was there! She wore the dress I wore for my baptism. We think Grammy wore it for her baptism too. It's a 60 year old dress so I was quite worried about what might happen to it. Luckily, it's still safe.
She was adorable and only cried a bit when Dr. Ruby put the water on her head. I thought she was saying "Hey! It's not bedtime, stop givng me a bath!"
We had everyone over for a little party after church and she was a trooper for all the pictures and letting people hold her. Then she passed out on Poppy for almost 2 hours.
I think that nap did her a world of good because she was fine for her bath and bedtime last night.
Today we had a family portrait taken. I think it's the first picture of the three of us together that we've actually posed for. There were some from the baptism but we're not looking at the camera and there are other people in the shots. Hopefully these come out really nice. Fingers crossed.
Tonight she loved her bath again and she's been asleep for two hours, I never had to go back up to her. Pretty exciting stuff! We'll see how the rest of the night plays out.
She's been waking up around 6 to eat and then going back to sleep until she's had 12 hours. We'll see if that keeps happening now that the excitement has died down. She just started doing that last week. It's good that she does, though, because I'm not sure she's eating often enough and this gives her an extra feeding during the day.
She is such a good baby!