Friday, October 1, 2010

6 Weeks!

Kaida had a busy day yesterday on her 6 week birthday. We went to Kiddie Kandids at Babies R us to have some pictures taken.

She was an angel the entire time and the pictures came out super cute!
Here's the share album.
We ordered a couple sheets, some of them with enhancements like tinting and text. The photographer did all sorts of collages and really cute enhancements so I, of course, wanted them all. But I made JR come back with me to look at them all and he reined me in.

Here are the cutest ones:

Now we have a Portrait Club card so I can go anytime for a free sitting and get a free 8x10. There are other deals too, depending on the day of the week.

She had her first bath this week, as previously posted. We did it in the baby tub inside the big tub. But since then I did it in the baby tub on the kitchen counter and most recently in the kitchen sink. I think the sink is the way to go. It's short enough that she can't really slip under the water while she's on the sling. So I just have to keep a hand on her rather than actually holding her up. But she really likes it!

I had my 6 weeks post partum Dr.s appointment. Everything looks good.
So far I've been screened on the edinburgh scale for post partum depression twice and asked the questions two other times. It's getting so I could ask them the questions.

This week Kaida's cousin Addy came over on Tuesday while her mom was at work. It will be a while before they can play together, but it was a super busy day for me!

She's been pretty good with sleeping. Last night was really good. She woke up a lot to eat but she went right to sleep at bedtime and after each feeding as well. If there's going to be a problem it's that she won't go to sleep when we put her down. Those are the nights when I start a feeding at 10:30 and then she nurses 3 more times before she goes to sleep so I have no idea what time I should be counting from for her next feeding. She's usually within the 6 hours though so it's ok.

The e-mail said she should be smiling when she sees us. Which she sometimes does. But she is pretty much never not seeing me.

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