Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2 Months!

Dear Kaida,
Today you are two months old. Right now you're sleeping in your swing because when I put you in your crib for your morning nap you only slept for 45 minutes before you woke up very hungry.
Later today you'll have a bath and we might go shopping at Target and Sam's club. Tonight the three of us will got to the Dive Club meeting because Daddy is the President and I am the secretary.
You've grown a lot in two months. When you were born you were the skinniest baby I'd ever seen. You were also the prettiest.
Now you're starting to get little fat rolls on your thighs and wrists. You still have a lot of hair, some of it is very long. You are starting to get a little bit bald on one side of your head though.
You like to take baths and you like to watch Tonic's tail as he wags it back and forth. You even tried to grab it once.
You eat about 8 times a day. Sometimes every two hours sometimes every three. When you're hungry you stick out your tongue and start to suck on your fists.
Last night you went 6 hours between feedings. You ate at 9pm and went to bed right away. You didn't wake up again until 3 am!
At night you sleep in the bassinet in our room. We try to put you to bed around 8 o'clock but sometimes your feedings don't line up with that plan.
You're wearing size 0-3 month clothes. Although the sleeper I put on you last night seems a little bit short (I think it's smaller than all the others), you are still a very long baby. When you wear a disposable diaper you are still in the newborn size but they actually fit now! They were pretty funny looking on you when you were first born.
You're not a big fan of tummy time but you don't scream when we put you there. You are showing a big preference for the right side of your head. You always want to have your right side down whether you're on your back or your tummy. But you can move your head. You will follow us as we walk across the room. You do smile at us but we have to work pretty hard to earn those smiles.
You really like the pacifier. We say that you're addicted and wonder how we're going to hold an intervention when you don't understand english yet. Usually we have to sit next to you and put it back in your mouth every time it falls out. Yesterday it was laying next to you and you managed to get it back into your mouth without my help. We're excited for you to figure out your hands so you can put it back in by yourself all the time.
Later this week we'll leave you with someone else for the first time (for more than a few minutes, you would stay with Grammom or Grammy when I went to pick up daddy at the bus stop when you were first born and they were visiting). You'll go to Aunt Jen's house while Daddy and I go to a show!
You're growing very fast and while it makes me a little sad that you're not the same tiny baby we brought home from the hospital I'm very excited to see who you'll turn into and what you'll do next!

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