Kaida was 5 weeks old yesterday.
The baby e-mails don't say much about what she should be doing at this point. Just that she should be cooing. I guess she does that, but it often progresses to crying so it's hard to tell where one stops and the other starts.
And she should smile soon, but we've already been there. It doesn't happen often when she's awake but sometimes.
That's about it, so I'll just say what we've been up to.
This week we tried putting her to bed earlier. Normally she goes to bed with me, well, I go to bed with her around 10:30. We put her down early and she went just fine. But then she was up, and angry. Until 1:00, two nights in a row. On Tuesday we had dive club and we ended up back on the regular schedule. She was still a little unhappy and wouldn't go to sleep after her late feeding. Wednesday she slept all day after her doctors appointment and I really don't remember how she was about going to sleep. I think she did wake up twice to eat though. Last night we were back to the regular schedule and she went down just fine (after we nursed away the hiccups) and slept from 10:30ish until 3:45. Five hours of sleep! And 6 hours between feedings. She's a super trooper!
We tried her cloth diapers for the first time yesterday, since her umbilical stump
finally came off (my baby is growing up!). It's still a little wet so the diapers that come up over her belly button I fold down. That looks ridiculous, hopefully it will dry up soon.
So far the rumparooz seem really good. And the bum genius. I might need to resize the fuzzibunz one size, it just looked wrong when it was on her. Also, she cried the whole time it was on her. But then she kept crying when I changed her to a disposable and finally stopped when she burped. So now I just have a bad memory associated with that diaper.
The sized diapers seem almost as bulky as the one size but that might be because she's still so small. I read that babies triple their birth weight in one year. The small sized diapers go up to 18 pounds so she could very well be in them until she's a year old.
The diapers are not too hard to take care of when I change her. JR installed the diaper sprayer last night after we'd finished our experiment for the day, so I didn't get a chance to use it. I washed them today. That wasn't hard and there are no stains or anything. They're drying on the line right now.
I'll try out the ones we have for a couple days and then we can go to the diaper store (when they open again, they just had a baby) and buy the rest of what we need in the kind we like. That gives me time to finish sewing the wipes too.
On Tuesday we went for a walk using the infantino carrier. She kind of dozed for most of it. We found out that Perrysville is a pretty happening place on a Tuesday morning.
The carrier is kind of helpful around the house when she just wants to be held, I can get some things done. I don't think I could carry around the laundry and unloading the dishwasher would be hard with all that bending over. But if she's generally inconsolable like she was yesterday it's nice to give my arms a break.
I was thinking that babies must have some crazy dreams. Since they sleep anywhere and there's all sorts of different kinds of stimuli to trigger weird dreams. Today I took her outside to hang stuff on the line and then we went up to the mechanic to pick up the car. She slept for most of it but it sounds different and it smells different too. If only we knew.
I like to watch her while she sleeps though. Sometimes she smiles, sometimes she frowns all serious, or even moans a little or lets out a little cry. It's pretty cute.