Saturday, October 29, 2011

28 Weeks

That's 7 months for those of you counting.

I had a midwife appointment yesterday. It went pretty quickly, so that was good. Kaida didn't have time to get agitated like she usually does.

His heart rate was about 145. I measured exactly 28 weeks. My blood pressure was 90/72. I guess there isn't a normal blood pressure that you are all the time? That or some people just get wildly different measurements for me. Who knows.

I met with Emily D. She was nice. She had to do my weight etc. herself, I think the nurses were probably still at lunch since we were kind of early. She talked to Kaida too so I think that helped her not freak out when we had to do the heart rate and everything.

I asked her about the type of circumcisions they do at Magee. I want JR to see a video of how it's done so he can help me make an informed decision. I'm not really feeling it for Bean since I watched some videos and it's neither recommended nor discouraged by the AAP. Emily had to check to see which type they do but found out for me that they use the Gomco.

I also asked if they do pulse oximetry. That's a test that can detect heart defects that otherwise wouldn't be evident before the baby leaves the hospital. Several states are making them required and it's been added to the list of core screening standards by the Department of Health. She didn't think they do it though.

Then we discussed a couple of what-ifs.

What if my water breaks but labor doesn't start.
They are ok with waiting a while but would eventually start pitocin. They're more interested in figuring out why labor hasn't started (and fixing that) than just getting it started right away.

What if we're getting near the due date and he is breech.
She said he won't be. But, if he is, there are exercises or acupuncture, then external version (moving him from the outside), and last she said there are some doctors, depending on his size, who would deliver him breech. But that would depend on who is on call when I go into labor. Sounds like the modwives wouldn't deliver him. But that's a lot of tricks to not work before we get to that point.

And the last what if was what if I go way past the due date.
She said that they've gone as long as 42 weeks 6 days before inducing. I'm sure that's a case by case sort of thing. But overall it seems like we have a pretty good chance of avoiding pitocin unless it really is necessary. And that's my major goal, that and avoiding a c-section.

The e-mail says he's about 2.25 pounds and 14.8 inches long. He can open and close his eyes. Other than that his brain is developing and he's gaining fat. Maybe we'll have a chubby baby!

We're close on a name. We're pretty well decided on a first name and are working on the middle name.

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