Wednesday, May 25, 2011

9 Month Dr and other stuff

We've been busy again!

Let's see. Last week Kaida had some gnarly cradle cap. Surprising to say the least. But it seems to be all cleared up now.

She started eating a lot more real food. For a while she didn't want to touch anything that was slimey. So I tried the third foods. But if I'm feeding it to her she wants it to be completely smooth and the third foods has chunks. So that wasn't working out well. But then she started to eat what we gave her from our meals. She really likes fried food. She definitely takes after her Daddy in that.
So she's had fried chicken, french fries, hamburger, mozzarella sticks, chicken fries, fish sticks, mac and cheese, yogurt. Definitely all little kid food. Hopefully she'll start eating other real food soon.

She had her 9 month Dr. Appointment this week.
16 pounds 9 ounces
27.5 inches
She's 30th for weight, 50th for height, 75th for head. Quite the noggin on this one.

Her ear infection is all cleared up. And Dr. Kovach said "She'll be walking by a year or I'm a fool." which was pretty funny.

And he repeatedly said that I should keep nursing her as long as I can. It seems like a pretty big change from the beginning when he kept offering us formula samples. I figure he prefers moms to breastfeed (which is why he always kept reassuring me about her growth) but didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable if we had decided to not continue.

And along the same vein, she drank formula! It's a long story so sit back and relax.
When I left her with JR she wouldn't take her bottle. Then last week I tasted the milk I was mixing into her cereal. It was spoiled. So I started testing all of the milk (thinking she wouldn't take that previous bottle because it was also spoiled). I gave up before I found unspoiled milk. So I decided that we would try formula.
She wouldn't take it out of a bottle but she did take it out of a sippy cup! So if we need to leave her with someone, formula it is. I'm done pumping.
Also, I'm a little annoyed at our freezer. Probably time for a new fridge.
I guess that wasn't too long of a story after all. :-)

Grammy came in on Monday. She brought Aunt B with her so we had a fun couple days with them. Kaida liked having new people to play with. She even let Grammy get her from her nap without screaming like she did last time. So that's good. I guess she's over that seperation anxiety thing.

She learned to blow kisses, kind of. She makes a kissy noise. It's actually a cross between sucking on her lip and kissing. We're trying to teach her to throw them with her hand but I think we're a long way off from that.

I have the cutest baby!

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