Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Busy Busy!

Watching the rain

We've been pretty busy lately.

Mother's Day weekend Kaida and I went to Buffalo for Cinco de Mayo. I think she likes being the center of attention so she had fun. She let anyone and everyone hold her.

But she was sick. A cold that had been lingering since Easter. So she didn't sleep very well. On Monday I took her to the Dr. and they found an ear infection. So she's been taking amoxicillin.

Wednesday we went to storytime. That was fun. It was much less busy than the last session we went to. It looks like over the summer they combine the older kids into one big storytime so it will probably be more busy in a month or so.

We've been skipping Gymboree because she's been sick but hopefully we'll get to go this week.

This past weekend we went to Buffalo again so I could go to brunch with Uncle Skip and the ladies. We went to the Roycroft and it was very nice.

Kaida stayed at mom and dad's house with JR. It was apparently not smooth sailing. She didn't want to eat her solid food, then she wouldn't take the bottle, and then she wouldn't go to sleep, and then she wouldn't take her next bottle. Good times. JR was a little worn out after that.

Maybe she would have taken her milk out of a sippy cup, I don't know. I've been giving her some of the milk that's leftover from her cereal in a free flowing sippy cup sometimes. We haven't had much success with the sippies you actually have to suck on though. But I didn't take a sippy cup to Buffalo so he couldn't have tried that anyway.

But I think she's happy to be home. She went right to sleep as soon as we got home Sunday night and her naps have been going very well. I think she missed her crib. Last night she woke up at midnight and it was rough but I think it might be tooth related. I eventually gave her some tylenol and she managed to go to sleep.

She's started standing up in the crib as soon as I lay her down so I just give her a kiss and leave her by herself. She'll play for a while and then she lays herself down and goes to sleep. Sometimes I have to go in and lay her down, I think she gets stuck standing and can't figure out how to get down.

Yesterday she started going over to her toy storage and pulling toys out. Right now I think it's more "I like to pull things out of other things" than "I want to play with this so I'm going to get it out." But it's still very cute.

I bought her a pony this past weekend. She really likes it. It rocks and sings and talks. She loves it when it talks to her.


  1. I can't believe how big she's getting. I don't know how you stand her cuteness. We have to visit you sometime soon. Now that she's getting good at riding her pony we should find a saddle for bandit. She can ride her around the yard.

  2. Ha ha, awesome. She would definitely need a cowboy hat then.
    Yes you should come soon. We can sit down by our fire pit and drag the hose over to the gully and turn it on. It'll be like you're at home sitting near the creek.
