Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kaida's big girl crib

The other day we bought a bed rail for the side of Kaida's crib.  She was very excited about it.  She wanted to help put it on and she wanted to play in the crib once it was all set up.  So we let her play for a little while during Colin's bath and then went downstairs to get all ready for bed.

Testing it out.
There's a tiny space for her to squeeze out on the end.
Of course since it was late she wanted to take a bath too (that's the only time she ever wants to take a bath).  This is probably when things started going down hill.  We told her no, there was no time, and the water was all gone.  Commence fit.

Eventually we got her into her pajamas and she seemed excited again about sleeping in her big girl crib.  It didn't last long though.  She climbed out and started knocking on the door.  She said she wasn't sleepy, she was having trouble getting to sleep.  Then she asked if we could put the side of the crib back on.  It was all very sad.

She got out another time.  Then the third time she fell as she was getting out.  By then it was quite late and she was very tired.  So JR laid down the law and told her she couldn't get out anymore and she eventually fell asleep.

Today she went down pretty well for her nap.  She had to go potty again right after I had just taken her but she actually peed so I'm not even sure that had anything to do with the bed.  She fell asleep pretty quickly and slept the normal length of time.  I was in the basement when she woke up so it took me a while to get up there.  She was playing with some toys when I got up there, so that's good.  I'll have to find all the quiet toys and take them up there for those early morning wake ups.

It didn't take Gin long to check this new situation out.
Hopefully bed time tonight goes as well as nap time did.

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