Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Colin stands!

Colin has learned to pull himself up to standing.  The first time he did it was 2 nights ago on the 30th.  Right now whatever he's pulling up on has to be right at the perfect hieght.  The ottoman is too tall* but the arm chair is just right.  And the storage blocks in the nursery work too.
This came about just a couple days after he got himself up to sitting the first time.  That was on the 26th.  He was in the crib after his nap when he did that.  I think he woke up, I went to take Kaida to the potty, and when I went to look at the camera again he was sitting up!  The mattress was still at the highest level so I ran up to get him and by the time I got there he was pulling himself up on the rail.  Obviously we lowered the mattress that night before bed time.

This past weekend was the consignment sale at church.  I volunteered for the afternoon and went shopping before that in the morning.  I got a bunch of 2T outfits to beef up Kaida's wardrobe.  She probably had enough but if something happened and I didn't get to the laundry it would be tight.  I also got some 18 month winter for Colin.  If he continues at the rate he's been growing he might need some 18 month for a couple weeks before it gets warm.  And if he slows down he'll still be in them well into the winter so it should work either way.  I also got some fancy shoes for both of them and for Colin a winter jacket and snow pants for playing and a thinner winter coat for the car (since you're not supposed to wear a puffy coat in the car seat).  Kaida's coat from last year was big on her all winter and, not suprisingly, it still fits her.

It seems like Colin has gotten a bunch more hair recently.  When I brush it after his bath I say he looks like a little CPA with it all brushed to the side.  In the back it looks like a little toupee because there's a definitive line between where it's thicker and where it's thinner.  It's adorable though.
At church this week a little old lady said that he's adorable and she specifically commented on his ears and thought they were perfect.  He went to Nursery alone because Kaida stayed home with a cold.  He painted a picture of a leaf with watercolors while he was there.  I think that's pretty funny.  Sue, who is in charge of the Nursery, is going to use them to decorate the room.

Kaida seems to have started knowing what she wants more and more lately. And then getting upset if it doesn't work out the way she had planned.  I try to explain new experiences to her as much as I can beforehand so she knows what to expect but every once in a while she'll get an idea in her head that's totally out of left field and you can't distract her away from it.
Today she wanted to go fishing with Pop Pop.  She had her little fishing pole and said Let's go fishing.  So we talked about going fishing with Pop Pop and then she thought we were going to go see Pop Pop and go fishing with him right away.  She got a little upset when we picked up Daddy and just came home instead of going fishing.
After that I explained that Pop Pop lives really far away and we'll go fishing with him but not today.  And that she'll need a different pole and bait, or a fly, or something and that Pop Pop would show her how to do it.  I think she understood after that.  But she was pretty upset for a while there.

Her hair is getting really long and we've stopped using the detangling spray after the bath and instead use a wide tooth comb.  I think it works better and doesn't hurt her quite as much as the regular comb.  I've also started brushing her hair when it's dry because the comb is just terrible to try to get through her hair.  So it's probably time to ger her her own hair brush.
And I think she's grown an inch since her doctor's appointment a month ago.

* Never mind, he can pull up on the ottoman now.

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