Sunday, October 14, 2012

Zoo Class

I probably say "Daddy's at work" or some variation of it 10 times a day since Kaida always asks about him.  Now that Colin has started "talking" Kaida talks back to him.  When he says "Da da da da da" Kaida says "Daddy's at work."

We think that Colin is saying Ball.  "Bah bah bah bah bah" when he's holding the big ball.  That kid really loves balls.

Kaida has two new teeth on the right side of her mouth.  I was putting on her bedtime diaper and JR was tapping out the beat to a song on her face when she started crying out of nowhere.  It was strange.  She finally managed to say that her mouth hurt.  And that "Daddy hurt me!"  So we felt around and then looked with the flashlight and there are definitely some new teeth in there.  Maybe that's why she's been having trouble going to sleep the last couple nights.

Colin is trying to stand without any help.  He'll take one hand off the ottoman and step one foot away from it.  He hasn't taken the other hand off yet thankfully.

Yesterday Kaida had her first Zoo Class.  It was Fur, Feathers, and Scales.  So we saw a Chinchilla (that she didn't want to pet), and a Kestrel, and we got to pet a Ball Python.  She made a peacock "puppet" and a lizard crown and colored a picture.  We also listened to a story and got to see and feel a turtle shell, an ostritch feather, and beaver fur.  I think she had fun but she kept wanting to get up from the circle to go color her picture again.
After the class we walked around and saw the tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes, and "Deers" (they were actually springboks, but whatever).

Today I had nursery duty at church and Kaida went with me.  We think Colin might have an ear infection so he stayed home, plus we don't really see the point of adding two kids and one adult, sort of defeats the purpose.  She had fun.  There were two other two year olds and their birthdays are all within 3 months of each other.  It was pretty funny/cute to see them all interact.  I was impressed with how much more Kaida was talking than they were and they were both still in diapers.  My baby is a SuperStar!

So we had a pretty busy weekend since we also went shopping and did all sorts of yard work too!

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