Monday, August 27, 2012

Tiny Posts

Last week Colin pooped out some paper.
Yesterday Colin ate a blade of grass.  He promptly threw it up.
Today Colin ate a sticker.  Awesome. I only found it when he started laughing hysterically after he gagged a little.
Note to self: Do not leave anything on the floor.  Ever.  Also, get that kid some food!

Kaida loves putting words together.  Today she pulled out "Go outside play rain please."  Because she wanted to go outside to play in the rain.  I was very impressed.  But in the car after picking up JR she said "Mommy baby diaper rainin' car seat."  So... yeah.  Sometimes she just likes to hear her own voice.  Like the 72 times she asked me "Watcha doin' Mommy?" while I cleaned the upstairs bathroom.  Eventually I started answering her "Getting ready to throw a little girl out the window.  What are you doing?"

One night last week Colin woke up at 11:30 right when we were going to bed.  He was pretty mad and just kept screaming no matter what we did so I nursed him even though I had just pumped.  He chilled out after that and went to sleep.  Then he woke up at 4 and at 6.  But each time he woke up he would stop complaining and fall back to sleep by the time I sat up and got my glasses on.  He did that 3 times at each wake up just a couple minutes apart.  It's good that he could sleep through after that one wake up, and it's good that he can put himself back to sleep too, I just wish he could do it without waking me up.  It was almost as bad as having to get up to nurse him the same number of times.
In a possibly related note I think if I give him cereal at night he sleeps longer without needing to nurse.  The trouble with that is catching him when he's hungry enough to actually eat.  So I try to wait a while after he nurses but I want it to be before bath time so I can de-crust him after he eats.  I have the feeling this kid is not going to subsist for 3 days on one peanut butter cracker and 3 glasses of milk like his sister does.

Yesterday Colin grabbed my earring.  I carefully pulled his hand away and continued to put him in the jumper.  When I stood up I noticed something in his mouth.  My earring.  I have the feeling this is going to be a very anxious year or so until he stops putting everything in his mouth.

Today it was raining and as we walked to the car Kaida was telling me all about it. "Rainin' Mommy."  "Car rainin'." and then "Rainin' Mister Briggs' car."  So apparently she's been paying attention when we talk to her about the neighbors.  My baby is brilliant!

Kaida is three days accident free in potty-ville!  Fingers crossed.

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